Child Plans

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Child Plans

HDFC Life YoungStar Udaan


A Non-Linked, Participating, Life Insurance Plan. Under Classic Waiver Option, all future instalment premiums will not be required to be paid and 3 Maturity benefit options to match key milestones of your child`s growing years. Education Planning; Flexible payout options; Guaranteed additions; Premium Waiver benefit

  • Key Features

    Min Premium: Rs 24000/- Annual & Rs 2000/- per month
    Minimum Policy Term: 15 Years
    Maximum Policy Term: 25 Years
    Premium Payment Terms:
    • 7 years/
    • 10 years/
    • Policy Term minus 5 Years

  • Key Benefits

    3 options to choose from to plan career of your child
    a) Aspiration
    b) Academia
    c) Career
    Choice of monthly or yearly payments

HDFC YoungStar Super Premium


A Unit Linked Non-Participating Life Insurance Plan. Flexible Benefit Payment Preferences – Save Benefit or Save-n-Gain Benefit. Unit Linked Child benefit Plan; Education Planning; Flexible payout options; Two benefit payment choices

  • Key Features

    Minimum Premium: Rs 15000/- Annual
    Minimum Policy Term: 10 Years
    Maximum Policy Term: 20 Years

  • Key Benefits

    An opportunity to invest in multiple choice of funds for receiving potentially higher returns from Markets and advantage of diversification, too.
    Yearly payments to your family in case of your unfortunate demise.